7 things you never knew about Harrison Ford

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Harrison Ford has been world famous for almost 40 years, thanks to his roles as Han Solo and Indiana Jones, but here are a few things you might not know about the Hollywood legend.

1. He has no middle name.

Although he was initially billed as "Harrison J. Ford," the J. doesn't stand for anything.

2. He was a Boy Scout.

It's no surprise that the future resourceful action hero attained the impressive level of Life Scout.

3. He actually likes snakes.

Unlike Indiana Jones, Ford isn't terrified of snakes. He helped other scouts get their Reptile Study badges at Napowan Adventure Base Scout camp in Wild Rose, Wisconsin.

4. He was bullied as a boy.

As he told Parade magazine in 2002, he was one of the smallest in his class and was bullied until he was 16. "It happened every day," he said. But I didn't get hurt, and the girls developed a certain sympathy for me."

5. He turned down the role that won George Clooney an Oscar.

Ford passed on "Syriana," saying later, "I didn't feel strongly enough about the truth of the material and I think I made a mistake."

6. He's incredibly neat.

"Someone I know bought a truck from Harrison," a friend of Ford's told GQ for a 1985 profile, "and it was in the neatest, most spotless, most perfect condition, immaculate to the tiniest detail. He doe
7. He went to the same high school as Hillary Clinton.
Both he and Hillary Clinton (who's five years younger) attended Maine East High School in Park Ridge, Illinois. These days, he and the former the former Secretary of State can both be seen at Conservation International events. Ford serves as vice chairman on the organization's board of directors.sn't do anything lightly, he's very intense."